
What I Think I Know for Certain...

In reality, we know nothing. Knowledge can sometimes be like a fashion trend; we think it may be the right answer, trend or outfit. Then looking back 10, 20, 30 years parachute pants were probably know the most flattering and x-raying pregnant mothers wasn't safe. Like Maya Angelou says "When you know better, you do better." Technology is constantly evolving- you can fight it or embrace it but  you can't change it. Now a lot of times we see a quote or hear a story acknowledging the underlying message. However, I believe the only time we truly learn life lessons are through life itself: adventures, heartbreaks, experiences, wrong-doings,  death, falling in love and everything else. In my short, exhilarating 19 years of living this is what life has (so far) taught me:

Live in Gratitude

Being in an aware state of mind to all the blessings you have in your life will only launch you further into good things and help keep a positive attitude. Living in a state of gratitude goes beyond saying "thank you" for the stranger holding the door open to you, it's feeling blessed for the life you already live, even if you wish to change it. Rhonda Byrne says it perfectly in The Secret (a book and movie I most highly recommend), “Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them.” I wrote down 10 things I was grateful for, for 28 days, that's 280 things I gave and felt gratitude for. Let me tell you, that list is infinite. It opened my eyes to the beauty and blessings around me- gifts of all sizes. From the huge things like how amazing the universe is (how it works and has for billions of years) to the tiny things like the trash man (I don't want trash on my street or want to do that job- thank you trash-men!). When you are grateful for what you already have in your life, that is when you are able to receive more. I know that is true in my life and the more gratitude I have for my life the better it becomes. The best of all, counting my blessings and being truly grateful for all I have in my life has left me incredibly humbled. Living in gratitude has changed my thinking and way of life for the better, I love it!

I read and did every challenge in this book- I love it!

Complaining Won't Change Anything

No matter what you are having a fit about (and might have valid reason for a tempter tantrum) it will not change the outcome or help you to change it. Whether you are upset about your financial state or a new diet, whining about either will not put more money into your account or make your waistline smaller. Stop looking for a handout, it won't change the situation. I can honestly tell you that no one cares that you have to workout 5 days a week and solely chomp down salads (yes a little harsh, but I mean well). If you don't like your situation change it, don't complain about it and count all your other blessings.
(And for the record I used to be the biggest complainer I knew, now if I don't have anything good to say I keep my lips sealed.)

When You Want Something, Find A Way

There has been numerous times in my life where I have wanted something unattainable. I have frequently say, "90% of the time I get what I want and the other 10% I don't get what I want because I don't care enough to go get it." That 10% is usually silly things that aren't necessary: purses, clothes, diamonds, etc. But for the big things I really want: to move, job and a new car. 2 out of 3 things I have obtained and I can and will again. When I was moving to So. Cal I did everything in my power to make it happen then I left the rest up to the man upstairs. Miracles happened. I'm still not entirely sure how it happened, but it did. Ask for help if you need it, then when you can pay it forward. Let your wish be known to anyone and everyone; don't be embarrassed or ashamed to get what what you really want. You never know who can give advice, help or have hookups. Sometimes you have to make your own opportunities and can't wait around for someone to offer you just what you want. Go after it, whatever it may be because one of the best feelings in the world is accomplishing just what you set out to do!

My roommate Hydee and me, she was such a blessing!

More to come
Hugs & kisses,

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