Friday, March 28, 2014

10 Things That No One Told You

...and solutions for them!

Hi all! After taking a little break I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things. I'm not going to give y'all a boring long explanation of how crazy my life and busy I am so let's jump in into things...

In this thing called life, there are things we know and things we must figure out. Time and time again I have caught myself saying "What?! No one told me that!" so with pleasure I present you 10 things that no one told you. BUT WAIT...there's more! (Billy May's reference anyone?) I also have solutions to the things no one told you. So, you're welcome. 
  1. After high school, you get fat.
    Seriously, after graduation I somehow managed to gain- gasp- 15 to 20 pounds! To be honest, I never weighed myself at my highest. For those of you who know me probably don't believe me. Because it never showed...because I never showed it off! And to be really honest I was shocked I ever gained that much.

    After graduation September 2012- 125 lbs
    July 2013- 142 lbs

    Now when I tell people I LOST 15 pounds they always ask "How did you do it?!" I didn't do anything too crazy. I ate less crap and more fresh food. I wasn't in the gym 24/7. I rarely worked out. And when I did I went to my yoga class and did cardio. Losing weight is 70% diet and 30% exercise. However, I made sure to have an active lifestyle; parked further and took walks with the baby almost daily. I contribute my weight loss to 2 major things: DietBet and eating better. Go check out DietBet and you'll see what I mean. As for eating healthier: egg whites, oatmeal, whole wheat and fruit are all you friends! Do your research; know what you are putting into your body. Don't try to look for shortcuts. Steer clear of "fat-free" or "no-sugar" chances are its full of chemicals. It's not rocket science, guys. Put down the doughnut and pick up a spatula because abs are made in the kitchen not the gym.
  2. Online schooling is NOT a cop-out.
    In fact, it can be quite difficult. Yes, not having to physically get out of bed, drive to school and be present in class has it benefits but virtual courses have their downside too. For example, you teach yourself. From my experience thus far, you and google are your best bet. Another thing, it is much easier to procrastinate. When it's Monday and the assignment is due Saturday night, guess what- you are staying in Saturday night because someone waited all week to do their homework. Point is, weigh the pros and cons before enrolling in online courses and choose what best fits your life. At the end of the day, you are getting an education either way.
  3. How to pay for college.
    In high school, teachers, counselors and parents shove scholarships down your throat. They shout "Free money!" Then, when applying to the college of your dreams (usually across the state and costing an arm and a leg) you find out applying for scholarships is much for difficult that anticipated. In most cases, a  application requires a tremendous amount of information plus a hefty essay to fit a particular question. It would be much more simple if you could use the same essay over and over but that is rarely a possibility. However there are other scholarships (hallelujah!) like athletic and academic. When I attended APU it was due to academic money and grants they offered me along with taking out a few loans. Here is the truth: absolutely do your FASFA and get all the free money you can. Come to terms that you may NOT be able to afford your dream college. Trust me, community college is okay. On the other hand, bigger colleges and large universities may be able to offer you more money even if their tuition is higher. When I chose to go to school at APU I was stupid and did it for love. I spent over $10,000 in tuition and moving. Word from the wise: don't be stupid. Please, oh please learn from my mistakes.

    The cost of a higher education and stupidity

  4. When you become a parent (or caregiver) you forever share food and do everything one handed.
    Along with both of those, you always eat last. So basically imagine making lunch one handed, feeding the child only to find out they only want what you have. To throw in a fun fact about being a aunt and nanny, expect the unexpected and have good gag reflexes. On two separate occasions I have gotten spit up and snot in my mouth. Neither were mine. Aren't kids wonderful?

    Jess's first birthday- good thing she's cute!

  5. Life can be hard.
    And that's okay. Chances are you will never have everything figured out. There will be hard times; times were your patients, mental capacity, finances, relationships and down right sanity will be tested. Push through. You'll be okay. Control what you can, let go of the rest and enjoy the moment you are in.

  6. Not everyone is going to like you.
    Stop being a people pleaser. Unfortunately, I struggle with this one. I have made countless decisions based on what other people expected/wanted me to be or do for them. It can be easier to tell people what they want to hear than stand up for yourself. You have to deal with yourself for the rest of your life, so get used to liking and pleasing yourself. There will always be a naysayer, cut that voice out of your life because your opinion is the only opinion that matters. At the end of the day, this is your life so, YOU DO YOU BOO.

  7. The cost of living is expensive.
    Yes, we all know about rent and the fact we have to eat but there are other things. I don't know about you but I have had a lack of awareness that toilet paper, trash bags, laundry detergent and other household items run out. You mean there isn't a magical fairy that replenishes the supply? No, you can't live with mom forever. But that's where a wife comes in (kidding!). But seriously, I spent $7.50 today on fabric softener and dish soap. I didn't even buy the good name brand stuff...I think this is why the dollar store exists. Not to mention the rising cost of food. But what can you do? Control what you can and let go of the rest. Guess I'm moving to a farm.

    Meet my neighbor Billy-Lou.

  8. Eyebrows can make or break a face.
    Seriously ladies (and men) learn the art of a TWO great brows. I get complimented the most on my eyebrows because I learned to shape them. I have a lot of brow and if  I didn't tame them I would look like Frida Kahlo, but worse. Here is a video by my favorite makeup artist, Kandee Johnson! Watch it, learn it, love it.

  9. Being an adult sucks.
    Okay, this one someone may have told you. Or made the sly comment of "Don't grow up, it's a trap!" Really, idiot? Growing up is inevitable. Being an adult is optional. I'm often baffled at the fact I wanted to grow up so badly, move away and drive my own car. Clearly, I didn't know anything about rent, insurance or car payments. But it does have its advantages like not having a bedtime or curfew, eating whatever you want (ice cream for breakfast anyone?) and making your own decisions in your life (mostly justified by #yolo).
  10. The key to life is gratitude.
    This one is a time saver. As someone who loves to study happiness and success I have found it time and time again how important gratitude is. The sooner you accept this and make it part of your daily life, the quicker you are to a happier life. To elaborate on this, I make two recommendations: 1. Read The Secret 2. Watch Happy (an documentary found on Netflix). I love them both. How can we ever expect more if we aren't grateful for what we have now?
    "Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." Matthew 13:12
    now read it this way..
    Whoever has (gratitude) will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have (gratitude), even what they have will be taken from them.
    (The Secret touches on this, read it.) 

Despite my "complaints" I love my life, even if that means figuring things out for myself.
I hope some of this helped! Love you lots my lil readers.

Comment below, Tweet or Facebook me and tell me what you think!

Hugs and kisses,

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